A photo voltaic solar power station near Guadix, Andalucia, Spain © Global Warming Images / WWF

A photo voltaic solar power station near Guadix, Andalucia, Spain © Global Warming Images / WWF

Reduce your energy use

  • carbon pollution
  • climate change
  • earth hour
  • energy
  • renewable energy
  • sustainable living

To protect the people and places we love from the impacts of global warming we need to make more conscious decisions about our energy use.

Australia ranks among the highest carbon polluting countries in the world, with 22 tonnes of carbon pollution emitted per person in 2015. But reducing our carbon pollution levels is not as hard as it sounds.

More than one-third of our emissions come from our electricity consumption, so we can make huge emissions reductions by increasing the energy efficiency of our homes and businesses. Switching on to a clean energy future is as simple as switching off. Together, through small changes to the way we use energy, we can make a big difference.


Here are some tips to help you reduce energy:

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