Panda close up © xxx

Close up of a giant panda, China © / Lynn M. Stone / WWF

About us

WWF has a long and proud history. We've been a leading voice for nature for more than half a century, working in 100 countries on six continents with the help of over five million supporters. Passionate and dedicated people like you.

WWF partners with governments, businesses, communities and individuals to address a range of pressing environmental issues. Our work is founded on science, our reach is international and our mission is exact – to create a world where people live and prosper in harmony with nature.

As the seventh largest member of the WWF Network, WWF-Australia has a challenging brief. We're striving to conserve biodiversity in Australia and throughout the Oceania region.

It's a big task and not one we can tackle alone. But together we can.

WWF in pictures

Building a sustainable future together

For a long time now WWF has realised that our planet’s species, people, habitats, governments and global markets are directly, and often delicately, interconnected. The web of relationships is complex. If we are to conserve nature and reduce threats to life on Earth, then we're going to have to work together.


WWF's global network is a powerful force for change. Behind the scenes of our on-ground conservation projects are teams of scientists, policy and communications experts, lawyers and other specialists, all supported by our regional and national staff members. Our network also includes valuable partners – in business, government and non-government organisations, communities and, of course, our fabulous supporters. This formidable team is influencing decision-making and behaviour at the highest and most personal levels in the interests of conservation.

A global impact

Our world is changing rapidly. Our planet and humanity are at a critical crossroads. Biodiversity loss is accelerating, our global ecological footprint is growing, the climate crisis is impacting on people and places like never before, and wealth inequality is rising.


The momentum for change is growing. WWF’s vision of a world where humans live and prosper with nature is increasingly one shared by people around the world. And while one person or group may be unable to take on the Earth's conservation challenges single handedly, together we can.


We HELP conserve nature and reduce the greatest threats to our planet by

  • Partnering
  • Sharing
  • Empowering our communities
  • Forming alliances
  • Building a movement for the environment
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    If you have any questions about your donation, please do not hesitate to contact our friendly Supporter Services team either by email: or call 1800 032 551

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