Industrial solar power station © Shutterstock / ktksrh / WWF

Renewable energy wind jobs workers © WWF-Australia / serts / iStock

For Government

Our policy library


WWF-Australia is calling on our leaders to make Australia the world’s leading exporter of renewable energy by 2030, and to put us on the pathway to 700% renewables.

Australia has the potential to become a Renewable Energy Export Superpower. However, seizing this potential requires leadership and urgent government action. If we fail to act, other countries will beat us to the opportunity, and our economic future will be tied to industries incompatible with a safe climate.

There are renewable energy opportunities right across Australia, in every State and Territory. Here's just some of them:


Renewable energy map

Specifically, WWF is calling on governments to:

  1. Create Regional Renewable Energy Industrial Precincts: to enable clusters of industries to be powered with renewables and clean heat.
  2. Develop Bold Renewable Export Plans: that put us on a path to 700% renewable energy.
  3. Deliver a Fair Transition: ensure First Nations, workers and regional communities benefit from the renewables race.

As part of this, WWF has been developing concrete policy proposals to accelerate Australia to become a renewable superpower. Check out some of our key reports and policy documents below:



The Renewable Superpower Scorecard presents a snapshot of how Australia’s states, territories and federal government are performing in the race to become a renewable superpower. This scorecard is the first time Australia’s states and territories have been ranked for their progress not just in switching Australia’s domestic energy system to renewables, but also on how quickly and comprehensively they are working to establish new renewable export industries for the nation. Scorecard # 2 is now available.





Clean Energy Report 2021 coverCLEAN EXPORTS PLAN

A global shift towards renewable power and clean energy goods and services is already well underway, and early action can make Australia a leader and position workers and businesses for the future.


Together, Australian Conservation Foundation, the Australian Council of Trade Unions, the Business Council of Australia and WWF-Australia have identified 5 specific actions for government to put Australia at the front of the pack:


  • Coordinated investment in 7 clean export precincts 
  • $10 billion co-investment in new industries 
  • $5 billion fund for workers and regions to diversify – a
  • A new program to support low-carbon materials in major infrastructure projects – 
  • An interim target of 6 GW of hydrogen and 3 green metals plants by 2027 –




WWF Australia hydrogen energy position paper -coverHYDROGEN POSITION PAPER

WWF-Australia believes renewable hydrogen is essential to the full decarbonisation of the global 
economy and ought to be supported, subject to:


  • Being renewable only. 
  • Being traceable. 
  • Stringent public, worker and environmental safety practices being adopted. 
  • Being developed following sustainability principles. 
  • Being pursued as a complementary strategy to electrification. 
  • The industry is structured to lower energy costs to Australian consumers.





Renewable energy industrial precincts -coverRENEWABLE ENERGY INDUSTRIAL PRECINCTS

A Renewable Energy Industrial Precinct (REIP) is an industrial scale zone that has a cluster of industries and manufacturing businesses powered by 100% renewable energy (renewable electricity, renewable heat and feedstocks).  REIPs can be newly created or extend and expand on an existing industry precinct like the Hunter Valley. 

Renewable energy powered industrial precincts can supercharge our export potential, promote economic growth and develop industry – driving local production, creating jobs, supporting regional business, industry, helping to safeguard supply chains and accelerating emissions reduction. 





Renewable energy wind jobs workers  © WWF-Australia / serts / iStock

United we shine

A massive expansion of Australia’s renewable industry can power a new generation of exports we sell to the world. There are huge opportunities to export education, training and the potential to create vast new onshore manufacturing industries and tens of thousands of job. Learn more about our Renewables Nation campaign here.

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