Eco-Tourism lodge near Seghe. Solomon Islands © Edward Parker / WWF

Eco-Tourism lodge near Seghe. Solomon Islands © Edward Parker / WWF

Climate finance

Global warming is indiscriminate. Unfortunately, it impacts some countries more than others, and often hits hardest those with the least capacity to cope.

Wealthy countries like Australia have a responsibility to support others in our region that are more exposed to the rising sea levels and more frequent extreme weather that accompanies climate change. One way that this support can be delivered is through climate finance – money invested in activities that help to reduce carbon pollution and build human and ecosystem resilience to global warming.

WWF is committed to finding new ways for Australia to invest in activities that deliver long-term benefits to people and nature.

What we're doing

Why it matters 

Poorer countries account for a relatively small proportion of global carbon pollution, yet they often bear the brunt of global warming. This is particularly true for some of Australia's closest Pacific and Asian neighbours.

Some of these countries are the most vulnerable to extreme weather, sea-level rise and drought. Regional economic losses associated with extreme weather events in 2014, alone, amounted to over US$1.5 billion and climate change is exacerbating the frequency and severity of such events.

As a wealthy nation that has strong social and economic ties within the region, Australia has a responsibility to help.

Split level of a shallow coral reef and mangroves with local West Papuan woman in her dugout canoe. West Papua, Indonesia © Jürgen Freund / WWF

Recommended reading

Earth Hour 2009 - Madrid, Spain © Juan Carlos DEL OLMO / WWF-Spain


Earth Hour

Earth Hour is a great home-grown success story: an Aussie campaign designed to draw attention to tackling global warming and get people talking about ...

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WWF's footprint calculator © Global Footprint Network


Ecological Footprint Calculator

Calculate your ecological footprint and find out how you can contribute to the conservation of the environment with WWF Australia. Visit Us today!

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