Humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) in Wilhelmina Bay, Antarctica © Michael Harte

Christopher Johnson, WWF-Australia's Oceans Science Manager. Photo courtesy of Chris Johnson.

Chris Johnson

Global Lead of the WWF Protecting Whales & Dolphins Initiative

I’m a marine scientist specialising in technology and science communication to achieve conservation outcomes. 

If the Amazon rainforest is our planet's lungsthen Antarctica and the Southern Ocean are its heartbeat.  At WWF, I work with our conservation team on complex issues in our most remote region. This means I work closely with researchers in the field and bring that knowledge to decision-makers to implement policy on a national and global level. 

I’ve worked in over 30 countries studying whales, their habitat and the impacts on them, such as ocean pollution, climate change, entanglements and ship strikes. I try to creatively communicate critical issues and solutions to governments and the general public to reverse these impacts. 

Every day I go to work at WWF I know that, together, we’re making a difference. Often I’ll share stories with my daughter to help inspire her generation to act before it’s too late and we lose incredible species and places.

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