Reef crest dominated by robust branching corals and coralline algae, Great Barrief Reef © WWF / James Morgan

Romesh Lokuge profile photo © WWF-Aus / Laurent Desarnaud

Romesh Lokuge

Chief Operating Officer

I’m an Accountant with a strong general management, strategy & data background. Starting at KPMG Sri Lanka, my career journey took me into manufacturing and hospitality both there and in the UK, before finally coming to live in Australia. Prior to joining WWF I held multiple roles over a 14 year period at NRMA Motoring & Services.

I’m inspired working for organisations that have a ‘higher’ purpose and are trusted. WWF is such an organisation – the brand is trusted globally and the vision to ensure that the environment we live in is sustainable while keeping a perspective on economic impact, is a noble one. The environment has always been close to my heart – at high school in the Maldives I was known for creating awareness on pollution. In manufacturing, I was involved in products that were made from waste and renewable resources. In hospitality, I held a board portfolio on Environment.

Now, in my role at WWF as Chief Operating Officer, in addition to helping in Executive deliberations, together with my team, I ensure good governance, transparency, accountability and sound commercial management. Customer centricity and a ‘One team’ approach are important to me.

Outside my work life, I enjoy spending time with family, watching cricket and ‘hamming’ (amateur radio).

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